Unit 5


1. There is / there are

click 1: Choose the correct form
click 2: Choose There is or There are from the dropdown menu
click 3: Look and choose


2. Any / some / an /

Click 1: any some indefinite
Click 2: a / an or some
Click 3: Multiple choice
click 4: English grammar games
click 5: Some / any

Resultat d'imatges de any some an a

Are you hungry?


Vocabulary exercise: clic 1   

Clic 2: Vocabulary exercises to help learn words for food.

1. Fruit salad is it healthy?

2. What do you need?

3.Choose de correct option for each word:



To remove the peels from vegetables or fruits.

To cut solids into pieces with a sharp knife or other chopping device.

To cause a dry substance to pass into solution in a liquid


 To cut food in small cubes of uniform size and shape.


To combine ingredients usually by stirring.



  Quick and easy breakfast recipe for kids and teens 

How to make a fun & easy kids' egg breakfast

  • Place the piece of ....... flat and press the top of a glass or cup into the center, cutting out a circle of the ...... and set aside
  • Melt a little ...... into the bottom of the ........., just enough to keep the ........ from sticking. Place both pieces of the ....... in the .......
  • Crack an ....... into the center of the piece of ...... where the hole has been ...... out. Allow to ....... for a couple of ......... before flipping the ..... and ......., and the bread cut-out, over. It should be toasty ..............
  • Remove from ....... and place the ....... cut-out on top of the egg that's in the center of the piece of ....... Drizzle maple syrup all over it and enjoy.

Countables/ uncountables nouns

Some activities online: 

Food and drink
1. Breakfast is the meal you eat in the morning.

This teaching material has been created by Viviana Giménez, M.A.©Downloaded from http://www.vivianagimenezenglishteacher.blogspot.com/

actor - cathedral - coffee – coffee – come - coming – continue - corner – counter - counter - drinking -  does -  finish - hair - hellos – listening - look  - looking - milk  - morning – nice -  paper – reflection - see –- them - train - picnic - watching – window – woman - woman

I am sitting in the ....................... at the diner on the …………..
I am waiting at the………….for the man to pour the …………..
And he fills it only half way and before I even argue
He is looking out the ……………..at somebody ……………….in.
“It is always ……………to see you”, says the man behind the...............
To the …………..who has ……………….in, she is shaking her umbrella
And I ……………the other way as they are kissing their …………
And I’m pretending not to see …………, and instead I pour the………….
I open up the ……………., there’s a story of an ………….
Who had died .while he was……………., it was no one I had heard of
And I’m turning to the horoscope and ………….. for the funnies
When I’m feeling someone …………….me and so I raise my head.
There’s a ………….on the outside looking inside, does she …………..me?
No, she ………….not really see me ‘cause she sees her own……………………..
And I’m trying not to notice that she’s hitching up her skirt
And while she’s straightening her stockings, her ………… has gotten wet.
Oh, this rain, it will …………………… through the morning as I’m …………………
To the bells of the ..............., I am thinking of your voice
And of the midnight ………..once upon time before the rain began
And I ………….up my ……………..and it’s time to catch the.............

  • Questions

-         Where is she?
-         What is she doing?
-         What is she thinking about?
-         Who else is in the song? What are these other people doing?
-         Is this a happy or sad song? Why?

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