Unit 3


Activity days

PLAY                                             DO                                           GO

Collocations: do, play or go with sports and other activities

When other words related to sports are used, we may use other verbs:
"What sports do you do?"
"I play tennis".
Observe these pictures:

downhill-skiingkarateMan Playing Tennis Clipart
Go skiingDo karatePlay tennis

There are three verbs that collocate with sports and other free time activities: godoand play, but they are not interchangeable:
  • Go is used with activities and sports that end in -ing. The verb go here implies that we go somewhere to practice this sport: go swimming.
  • Do is used with recreational activities and with individual, non-team sports or sports in which a ball is not used, like martial arts, for example: do a crossword puzzle, do athletics, do karate.
  • Play is generally used with team sports and those sports that need a ball or similar object (puck, disc, shuttlecock...). Also, those activities in which two people or teams compete against each other: play football, play poker, play chess.
Now try doing these exercises:
1. Easy
2. Choose the correct verb
3. Choose
4. Check your answers at the end

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